Spring 2018 Week 5

Spring 2018 Week 5


We’re now five weeks into the Spring 2018 season and a few of the ratings for the series this season have shifted. This week will be featuring spoilers (especially for Gun Gale Online, however, I’ll also be making some predictions about these series going forward.

Finally, before we begin, finding high quality gifs of these series every week isn’t the easiest thing to do, so from here on out I’ll just be using screenshots which I can easily take myself.

Love To-LIE-Angle

I don’t have much to say about this series. This week, like every other week so far, this short series was just more yuri fan service. While that’s not always a bad thing, I tend to want something more as well like, you know, plot.

Love To-LIE-Angle (I still don’t understand the name) is still a 4/10 at this point. I wanted to lower it, but the art is still decent and it’s nowhere near the worst thing I’ve seen so I’ll allow it to stay where it is.

Comic Girls

Last week you may recall that Comic girls had a Ruki-centered episode which I actually liked a lot. This week was all about Koyume, who I don’t like as much as the other three girls, but her episode was still good.

The first half of the episode counted as the “obligatory beach episode” for the anime and because of that I thought it was going to be bad. However, I was pleasantly surprised and the second half, featuring an amusement park date between Koyume and Tsubasa, was even better.

After these past two episodes I’m considering bumping up the rating for this series, but for now it’s still a 6/10.

Megalo Box

Megalo Box has been one of the stand-out anime of the season, however I found this week’s episode to be lacking and so I downgraded the series to a 7/10. This episode wasn’t the only reason for my lowering of the score. The hype of the series has been wearing off on me and so this was bound to happen anyway.

This week we set up and started a fight between Joe and a fighter who was also formerly trained by Nanbu. Although this isn’t even the finals of Megalonia, this fight is set up to be one of the hardest Joe will have to face throughout the series.

By the end of this episode, we only got partway through the first round of the fight with Joe being knocked down and possibly out. Since this is the final fight before Joe can qualify for the Megalonia finals, I’m assuming that he’ll come back to win it next week.


Hinamatsuri is still my favorite series of the season at an 8/10, but there’s a new competitor this week which we’ll get to in a bit. This week’s episode was focused on Hitomi as her friends from school try to figure out what she’s doing going into a bar at night.

As with any episode that doesn’t focus on Hina, this one wasn’t as good, however, any scene that had Hina in it was instantly a great scene. Throughout this episode, Hina is being dragged all over the place without knowing what’s going on.

Gun Gale Online

While Gun Gale Online is still a 6/10, it includes the best girl of the season in the form of P-chan (I planned to make a best girl of Winter 2018 post, but I still haven’t done that yet). This episode, LLENN and P-chan bring home the gold for team LM in the Squad Jam competition.

However, before winning, P-chan gives her life to save LLENN and is destroyed. I’m hoping that P-chan makes a full recovery and comes back into the series. Honestly, I may have to downgrade the rating if P-chan is really dead.

P-chan speaking to LLENN (from the anime Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online)
P-chan speaking to LLENN

My Hero Academia

Finally, we have My Hero Academia season 3. This was by far the best episode of the week and the current arc is looking to be better than anything from the previous two seasons (and I really liked the sports festival arc).

This arc is surpassing all my expectations, and I’ve heard that this is just the beginning of a string of the best arcs written for the series so far so there’s plenty more to look forward to. Also, after this week I upgraded My Hero Academia season 3 to an 8/10.

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