Tag: 2012

Wolf Children

Wolf Children

Wolf Children anime movie poster and cover art
Wolf Children Poster


Wolf Children is a movie about children, who are also wolves. Who would have guessed? It’s actually the story of two werewolf children who are raised by their single mother (a human) after their father (a werewolf) dies.

While I don’t typically like to spoil anime when I review them, it’s hard to actually discuss parts that I liked, didn’t like, or didn’t understand without being fairly specific. With that in mind, yes, this review will contain spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen the movie, but plans to.

My first issue with this movie comes in the first act while we’re watching the relationship between Hana and the Wolf Man develop. I’m generally not a fan of anthropomorphism when it comes to things like wolves. Sure, something like Mickey Mouse is fine, but a wolf or fox man isn’t really my thing.

With that in mind, there’s a scene in Wolf Children which leads to the eventual birth of Hana and the Wolf Man’s first child Yuki. If the Wolf Man is usually in human form, and can change form as he wishes, why was he a wolf during the sex scene instead of a human?

Maybe Hana is into that sort of thing, I don’t know, but you’d think that his human form would be the go-to in that situation. It wasn’t even like they were using his wolf form to imply that he has a savage or animalistic nature when they made this scene.

I have other things to say about the Wolf Man, but I’ll hold off on that for now and save those criticisms for the characters section.

The second act of the movie was by far the best part and takes up the most time of the film. In this part, Hana and her children move out to the countryside to start their new lives with some privacy.

I like to call this section of the movie “Farming 101” because we see a lot of Hana and the kids learning how to farm. This is also the section of the movie where we see the kids just being kids. Yuki is exploring her new world in the country and Ame, being the younger sibling, is typically stays by his mother’s side.

I particularly like the scenes of Yuki collecting sticks, leaves, and dead animals (as pictured in the gif farther down the page).

The third and final act of the movie was supposed to be the climax, but it fell short. The major conflict for this act was the storm that was passing through, but it didn’t really amount to much and took up more time of the movie than it should have for its lack of substance.

During this point, all that really happens is it’s confirmed that the Yuki’s classmate knew she was a werewolf, and Ame decides to live as a wolf on the mountain. These may seem like major developments, but anyone paying attention throughout the movie knew these were going to happen anyway.

Really, all the final act did was confirm what the audience already expected to happen, but in a way that didn’t really introduce any new conflict. Sure, there was a storm, but did it actually affect any of the choices made by the characters? Not really.


The first character I want to mention is the Wolf Man since he’s only in the first part of the movie. Notice how he doesn’t have an actual name, but is simply referred to as the “Wolf Man,” that will be important in a bit.

He’s generally a loner, but has a gentle side despite how he outwardly tries to distance himself from Hana at the beginning of the movie. It’s this side of him which seems to have initially attracted Hana’s attention.

I think we’re supposed to start liking him as a character through seeing how he interacts with Hana. However, since he doesn’t actually have a name, we as the audience never really connect with him in the same way we do with Hana even though we understand him.

This brings me to the scene of the Wolf Man’s death. Now, some people I’ve talked to about this have told me that they became emotional during this scene, but it didn’t even phase me. He was a no-name character who lasted 19 and a half minutes (I checked), why would I care about him?

Aside from the fact that I didn’t care about him yet at the time of his death, his death itself didn’t make any sense to me either. Based on the scene of his death, as well as a scene of Ame drowning later on in the movie, it appears to be implied that the Wolf Man died by drowning.

However, the water his body was discovered in was just four inches deep at most. It wasn’t even deep enough for his face to be completely submerged and the people disposing of his body are easily able to walk right through the water. So how did he die?

I will say that there was one thing I liked about the scene. After removing his body from the water, the sanitation workers proceed to put him in a trash bag and throw him into the back of a garbage truck.

Maybe that’s how they deal with dead dogs in Japan, but that was pretty cold-blooded considering even though they didn’t know he was a werewolf, they still should have thought he was Hana’s dog based on her response. Yet, they still threw him out right in front of her.

While I liked Hana as a character much more than the Wolf Man, I don’t really feel like there’s too much to say about her. After the death of her husband(?) she continues to raise their two young children alone despite not knowing how to raise wolf children.

This causes multiple problems when she doesn’t know who to turn to when she needs help. An example of this is when Yuki eats some chemicals and gets sick. Hana isn’t sure if she should take her to the hospital or the vet. In the end she chooses neither because she’s afraid someone will find out her secret.

Throughout the entire movie, Hana simply wants what’s best for her children. This means she wants to keep their true nature as werewolves a secret because she’s afraid of what will happen to them if anyone finds out, but it also means she wants them to be themselves.

Hana wants her children to be able to choose whether they want to live as wolves or as humans.

Yuki and Ame are two sides of the same coin and so I feel it’s only natural for me to talk about them both simultaneously. Yuki was always the one who seemed to like exploring and meeting new people, while Ame tended to be shy and like to stick to what he knows.

While their natures don’t change throughout the story, their outlooks on life do. Originally Yuki was the one who acted like a wolf more than a human, while Ame was afraid of acting on his animal instincts and instead preferred to be more human.

However, as the children grow up, their positions switch. When Yuki enters first grade, she begins to make friends and learns that she needs to fit in if she wants to be accepted by her peers. Because of this she gives up on collecting dead animals because “girls don’t do that” and eventually chooses life as a human over that of a wolf.

Yuki with a box full of dead animals from the anime movie Wolf Children
Yuki with a box full of dead animals

Ame, on the other hand, eventually decides to live his life as a wolf instead of a human. This makes sense for his character because he never really made any friends at school and seemed to prefer nature. It appears that after seeing the caged wolf at the wildlife sanctuary, he started to think of school as a similar kind of prison.

Since Yuki is the narrator of the story, even from the start we can assume that she survives to the end, and is probably living a good life since she’s telling her tale to someone (us). However, Ame’s end is unknown for most of the story since we don’t get his perspective.

There was one scene involving Ame in particular that seemed to foreshadow future events, but they never came to pass. As a young child, Ame enjoyed reading fairly tales involving wolves, however, he was upset that the wolves were always the bad guys and died in the end.

It’s true that his father, the Wolf Man, had died, but as far as we know there was nobody who hated him and no foul play suspected in his death. This leaves the viewer to believe Ame’s concern is foreshadowing something that will happen, or might happen, to him in the future.

While I never expected him to die in the story, his continuing movement towards being a wolf rather than a human made me suspect even more that he would eventually have an unfriendly run-in with the local villagers.

I assumed Yuki or Hana would end up coming to his rescue and convincing the villagers he was harmless, while possibly revealing his secret. This would have been a fairly standard third act conflict resulting in the villagers learning that they shouldn’t judge someone by the way the look or some predictable outcome like that.

Although predictable, this is a tried and true plot device. Since it didn’t end up happening, I can’t say for sure if I would have liked it more or less than the ending we actually got, but I like to think it would have been better than the ending with no meaningful conflict.


Wolf Children is a 6/10 and nothing anyone says is going to change my mind. It’s a cute movie for the most part, but there’s very little meaningful conflict and the main source of “sadness” fell flat when they failed to make me care about the Wolf Man.

The ending of the movie wasn’t very ambiguous, we know that Yuki went off to live at the dorms at school, Ame lives as the guardian wolf on the mountain, and Hana lives alone in the house where she raised her kids. But even knowing all this, I didn’t ever feel like the story ended.

Without that final bit of conflict, I can’t be satisfied with the ending of the movie. It didn’t have to be the Ame vs. the villagers final conflict I was expecting, but the Ame vs. Yuki conflict about which of them chose the right path and the Hana vs. the rain conflict(?) didn’t amount to anything.

We always knew that even if Ame and Yuki didn’t agree on whether to be a wolf or a human, Hana was going to accept their choices either way so there was never any real suspense there. Hana may have died in the storm at the end, but her children already didn’t need her support anymore so, while it would have been sad, it wouldn’t have changed anything either.

Finally, keep in mind that a 6/10 is not a bad rating. I enjoyed the movie, but it’s not something I’d go out of my way to watch again just like Summer Wars and Akira.

The English trailer for Wolf Children is available here.



Nekomonogatari Black anime cover art featuring Tsubasa Hanekawa
Nekomonogatari Black Cover Art


Nekomonogatari is split into two parts, Black and White. Nekomonogatari Black is part of what is considered the “first season” of the Monogatari series along with Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari (and technically Kizumonogatari).

However, Nekomonogatari White is part of what is collectively called the Monogatari Series Second Season along with Kabukimonogatari, Otorimonogatari, Onimonogatari, and Koimonogatari. Hanamonogatari is also part of the second season of the Monogatari series but is not part of the collective known as the Monogatari Series Second Season.

Since all of this can get a bit confusing, I decided to make it a bit easier by just reviewing both parts of Nekomonogatari together rather than reviewing White with the Monogatari Series Second Season. Black and White are related to each other and act as the bridge between the two seasons.

Nekomonogatari Black is the final arc of the first season and Nekomonogatari White is the first arc of the second season.

Nekomonogatari Black

Nekomonogatari Black only includes one arc, Tsubasa Family, and chronologically comes just before the events of Bakemonogatari.

This arc is about Tsubasa Hanekawa who we’ve known since the beginning of the series. I think she’s actually the first character introduced to us other than the protagonist, Koyomi.

As I may have mentioned before, Hanekawa is possibly my least favorite character in the series so I don’t actually like this arc as much as most others. Also, because it chronologically comes so early in the series, Koyomi and Shinobu don’t quite get along yet.

In this arc, Hanekawa is taken over by a cursed cat apparition resulting from stress. The main source of Hanekawa’s stress is her family. At home, she sleeps in the hallway, without a room of her own, and is generally excluded from being a part of a family with her adoptive parents.

Each night, the cursed cat takes over Hanekawa’s body and goes on a rampage, attacking people mostly at random in an attempt to relieve stress. In the end, Koyomi and Shinobu are able to temporarily subdue the apparition, and Hanekawa is left with no memories of the events.

"Black" Hanekawa and Tsubasa Hanekawa from the anime Nekomonogatari
“Black” Hanekawa and Tsubasa Hanekawa

Nekomonogatari White

Like Nekomonogatari Black, Nekomonogatari White also follows Hanekawa. However, while in Black, Koyomi was still the protagonist, this time Hanekawa is the protagonist which doesn’t make it any better.

Nekomonogatari White also only covers one arc, Tsubasa Tiger.

The Tsubasa Tiger arc picks up where the Tsubasa Family arc left off in that it continues the story of Hanekawa and her family. This time, Hanekawa comes across a tiger apparition instead of a cursed cat.

The tiger apparition first causes Hanekawa’s house to burn down, then starts burning down everywhere else she happened to spend the night afterward starting with the cram school Meme Oshino once used as a hideout.

After the abandoned cram school, however, Hanekawa had spent the night at Senjougahara’s house and then the Araragi house. Because of this, Hanekawa decides she needs to confront and defeat the tiger apparition to save her friends’ houses from being destroyed.

While the cursed cat appeared because of Hanekawa’s stress from home, the tiger appears because of her jealousy of the families and homes of others. In the end, both the apparitions Hanekawa was afflicted with are similar to the weight crab which once afflicted Senjougahara.

All Hanekawa really has to do is accept her own feelings, but in the end, Koyomi comes to the rescue and once again suppresses the apparitions within Hanekawa.


While I think the Monogatari series overall is a 10, if I had to rate just the Nekomonogatari parts I would give them a 9/10. Specifically Nekomonogatari Black is a 9, I think that White is worse, but we’ll stick with 9 as the rating for them both combined.

The fact that these arcs are focused on my least favorite character doesn’t help their rating, and on top of that, Nekomonogatari White is from the perspective of my least favorite character. Despite this, however, I still love the series and so can’t really give it a bad rating.

The next review will cover the Monogatari Series Second Season (excluding Nekomonogatari White since that was covered here). Hanamonogatari will also be excluded from that review and will be featured on its own afterward.



Nisemonogatari anime cover art featuring girls from the Monogatari series
Nisemonogatari Cover Art


Nisemonogatari is the second entry in the Monogatari series following Bakemonogatari. There are only two arcs in this entry, Karen Bee and Tsukihi Phoenix, compared to the five arcs in Bakemonogatari. That said, it’s still 11 episodes long.

This entry in the series focuses on the younger sisters of the protagonist, Koyomi. Karen and Tsukihi Araragi are two middle school girls who go around solving the problems of their classmates and refer to themselves as the Fire Sisters.

Karen is the tomboy who usually wears a tracksuit with shorts and Tsukihi is the more feminine of the two who tends to wear yukata. They each wear one of a matching set of hair clips that look like sunny-side-up eggs.

As with my review of Bakemonogatari, this post will not shy away from spoilers.

Karen Bee

The Karen Bee arc takes up the first seven out of 11 episodes in Nisemonogatari. This arc deals with apparitions that affect people solely because they think they’re being affected; kind of like the placebo effect of apparitions.

We’re also introduced to one of the most hated, then beloved characters of the series, Kaiki Deishuu. Kaiki is an apparition expert, sort of like Oshino Meme who helped Koyomi in the past. However, Kaiki is a self-proclaimed con-man rather than a real professional.

He takes money from middle schoolers in return for “charms” which are more like curses. He then charges a fee to those affected by the charms in order to reverse them.

After Karen is affected by a Bee apparition resulting from one of these charms when she went to confront Kaiki, Koyimi also confronts him and learns that he actually didn’t do anything to Karen or the rest of the middle schoolers. The charms, curses, or apparitions they were experiencing were all in their heads.

This doesn’t mean they were harmless, however. While Karen’s bee apparition was the result of her believing that she had been cursed, the apparition itself was still real.

I liked this arc particularly because of the moral at the end which is that even if something isn’t real, a person’s beliefs can make it “real” which is what makes it dangerous. It’s kind of like conspiracy theories; they aren’t real, but if enough people believe them they can cause problems.

Tsukihi Phoenix

In the Tsukihi Phoenix arc, we are introduced to yet another apparition specialist in the form of Yozuru and her familiar Yotsugi. While Oshino specializes in keeping the peace between humans and apparitions, and Kaiki specializes in being an apparition con-man, Yozuru specializes in exterminating immortal apparitions.

Because of this, Koyomi originally believes she’s appeared to kill both himself and Shinobu, however, it turns out they’re actually there to kill Koyomi’s younger sister, Tsukihi.

Like Mayoi and her first arc, Mayoi Snail, it turns out that Tsukihi is an apparition herself rather than being affected by an apparition. However, unlike Mayoi, Tsukihi doesn’t realize that she’s an apparition and doesn’t necessarily cause humans harm in any way.

As a phoenix apparition, Tsukihi can completely heal from any injury, but other than that she’s still basically a normal girl, which is why the need to exterminate her didn’t make much sense to me. She can reincarnate but doesn’t retain any memories from her previous lives.

She’s not human, but it’s not like she’s taking the place of the real Tsukihi in the Araragi family. She’s more like an adopted family member than anything else.

In the end, Koyomi and Shinobu are able to stop Yozuru and Yotsugi, mainly due to the fact that Koyomi doesn’t care whether Tsukihi is his real sister or not. As far as he’s concerned, she’s his family and nothing is going to change that.

Unfortunately for this arc, it’s the home of the infamous toothbrush scene which people use to judge the series as a whole, but other than that I think that it’s actually a good, wholesome story about family.

Fire Sisters Karen and Tsukihi Araragi beating up Koyomi from the anime Nisemonogatari
Fire Sisters Beating Up Koyomi


As with Bakemonogatari, this entry of the Monogatari series is also a 10/10. Also, while the main focus of the arcs in Nisemonogatari was on the Fire Sisters, the real important characters to pay attention to moving forward are Kaiki, Yozuru, and Yotsugi.

By the end of Nisemonogatari, Kaiki is still the most hated character in the series, but this will eventually change and he’ll earn the title of “best girl” by many in the Monogatari community. But before we get to Kaiki becoming “best girl,” we’ll be taking a look at Nekomonogatari Black and White next.

Inside Mari

Inside Mari

Inside Mari vol. 1 manga cover art featuring Mari and Isao
Inside Mari Vol. 1 Cover Art


Although I’ve been watching anime regularly for a couple of years now, yesterday was my first experience with reading manga. Inside Mari is the manga I decided to start with as the summary seemed interesting enough, and at only 80 chapters it wasn’t a big commitment.

“But how could you watch that much anime and never be interested in reading manga until now?”

Good question. I had looked into manga in the past because I wanted to read ahead in some of the series I follow the anime for. And, since I used Crunchyroll for most of my anime, I figured I’d use them for manga too.

However, Crunchyroll never actually had any of the manga I was looking for, despite having the anime series for them. Their manga catalog is actually quite small, and many of the series they have only have the newest chapters, not everything since the beginning.

Finally, a few days ago now, I saw a manga on MyAnimeList, Sankarea, for which I liked the cover art and had a fairly good summary. Unfortunately, once again, I was unable to find this manga through my usual means. But all was not lost because while searching the catalog, I came across Inside Mari and decided to give it a try.

And now onto the actual review. Inside Mari is a manga about a high school student named Mari and a University student named Isao. The story begins on a night just like any other for Isao, which means he once again finds himself following Mari home from a convenience store at 9 pm because he’s kind of a stalker.

Mari happens to notice she’s being followed this time and begins turning to face Isao when suddenly everything goes blank. When he wakes up, Isao is in Mari’s body.

While on the surface Inside Mari appears to be a fairly straightforward body-swap story, it takes a few twists and turns along the way, and then suddenly gets wrapped up as if the writer was told to finish the story or get it canceled.

I would also caution that this manga is for mature audiences which I didn’t realize until I was in too deep. I assumed that everything in Crunchyroll’s manga selection would be fairly family-friendly like everything in their anime selection.


The point of view we, as the readers, get is that of Isao inside Mari’s body. Isao is a University dropout who plays video games all day long. He always goes to a nearby convenience store around 9 pm because he knows that Mari will also be there. Although he’s been doing this for roughly a year, he has never once spoken to Mari.

Mari is the other half of the protagonist if you will. She’s a fairly popular high school girl who goes to the same convenience store every night around 9 pm to buy candy. She lives with her mother, father, and younger brother and has a fairly typical school life.

The third and final character that matters is Yori. Yori is a girl in Mari’s class and is the only person to realize that Mari’s sudden change in personality isn’t caused by something normal. Throughout the story, Yori attempts to help Isao find where Mari went when he took over her body.


Although Inside Mari builds itself up to be a body-swapping story, it actually doesn’t involve body-swapping at all. For most of the manga, however, the reader is deceived into thinking that Isao’s mind is now inside of Mari’s body.

In the afterword of the first volume, the author even talks about how he wishes he could be a woman because as a man he is only able to see 50% of the world. This made me think that the story was going to end with Isao eventually accepting his new life as Mari, but that doesn’t happen.

Instead, Inside Mari is actually a story about mental illness in the form of a personality disorder. We learn that when Mari was younger, her name was Fumiko, but that it was changed to Mari by her mother after the death of her grandmother (the one who chose the name Fumiko). This appears to be the start of Mari’s psychological disorder.

We also learn that the real Isao never noticed Mari, and it was in fact Mari who had been stalking Isao because she envied his carefree lifestyle. The idea that Isao’s mind was put into Mari’s body was just Mari’s way of coping with her newly chosen identity as Isao. She couldn’t physically be him, so mentally becoming him is the next best thing.

In the end, Mari never comes back. Her psychological disorder caused her to lose her friends, academic future, and future in general.

But how do we know this was some sort of psychological disorder rather than Mari consciously choosing to become a new person? For one, she shows signs of being a stalker as well as attempting to steal the identity of another person.

There is also an episode in which Mari’s body becomes “empty” by which I mean there is no personality inside it. No Isao, no Mari, no Fumiko. During this time, she is basically in a vegetative state for maybe a week and it was caused due to her remembering her previous personas of Fumiko and Mari respectively. This is not something that we would typically attribute to someone who is mentally stable.


After finishing this manga, I scored it a 5/10, although I don’t have any other manga to compare it to. After thinking about the story for a day, I think I appreciate it more than I originally did, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to change my rating.

Even if I did end up liking the story, the ending seemed a bit abrupt. I think that 90 chapters, rather than 80, might have worked better for the ending of the story, but what do I know? It was only my first time reading manga, after all.

From the New World

From the New World

From the New World Cover Art


From the New World is a coming-of-age story that takes place in a future society in which everyone has psychic abilities. While psychic abilities seem like they would be a good thing, it took, and still takes, a lot of effort to keep everything from breaking down into chaos.

When the first people started gaining psychic abilities, there were many who used them to do harm to others. In the end, only those with psychic abilities remain and they are living in small, separated communities around the world with strict rules in place to ensure these horrors never happen again.

It is in this world that five children are growing up and they must quickly learn the rules of the society in which they were born. In this world, not everything is as it seems on the surface.

This anime is split into three different parts, each separated by a time skip. In the first part, the main characters are children, in the second they are teenagers, and in the final part, they are adults. In each part, we learn more about the world in which these characters live as they decide whether or not this is a society they want to be a part of.

There are also some episodes that have a slightly altered art style. When I first watched this it was a bit confusing because suddenly the characters looked older or different in some way, but then by the next episode, they were back to how they were supposed to look. I think this series would be better with a more uniform art style throughout so the time skips are more clearly defined.


Saki Watanabe is the protagonist of the series. She developed her psychic abilities later than the rest of her classmates and so has to work hard to catch up with the rest of the students at the psychic school. Despite not being exceptional in her use of her psychic abilities, she is one of the strongest of the children mentally.

Satoru Asahina is one of Saki’s classmates and her close friend. He’s generally carefree and energetic, but as he grows up he becomes more responsible. Satoru has fairly strong psychic abilities, but his real strength is his ability to strategize.

Maria Akizuki is Saki’s best friend. She stands out due to her red hair. While her classmates see her as a strong individual, she sees herself as a coward. This mental instability makes her a sort of foil character to Saki.

Shun Aonuma is the prodigy of the group. He’s smart and has exceptional psychic abilities. However, due to his abilities, he is watched more closely than the other students by the adults of the society which puts pressure on him to continuously get stronger.

Mamoru Itou is the final member of the group. He’s basically the opposite of Shun and Saki in that he’s both mentally weak and he’s the least talented when it comes to psychic abilities. Mamoru is a follower, not a leader.

Maria and Satoru


I liked From the New World and gave it a 7/10. However, as I mentioned in the overview, I think it would be better if the art style didn’t change for some episodes, but was kept consistent instead.

One thing I thought this anime did well was world-building. We learn a lot about the world in which the characters live in the first arc when they are children which causes our view of the world to be through the eyes of children. In the later arcs, we continue to learn new things about the world through the eyes of the characters as they get older and finally understand some of the things they didn’t when they were kids.

There is also a lot going on behind the scenes of this world despite the whole anime basically taking place in one grouping of small villages.