Category: Series/Seasonal Reviews

Butareba -The Story of a Man Who Turned into a Pig- Review

Butareba -The Story of a Man Who Turned into a Pig- Review

Butareba -The Story of a Man Who Turned into a Pig- anime series cover art
Butareba -The Story of a Man Who Turned into a Pig-

Finally, An Isekai For Me

Butareba -The Story of a Man Who Turned into a Pig- (Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro / 豚のレバーは加熱しろ) likely doesn’t seem like a good anime to most people. It’s an isekai series about, you guessed it, a man who was reincarnated into a fantasy world as a pig.

But, to me, this sounded like a great premise. Why? I like pigs. They’re pretty neat. So, when I heard about this series, I thought that this was going to be good. Well, “good.” I thought it would, at the very least, be an entertaining watch. And, I actually think it was — at first.

Now, I admit that Butareba’s comedy isn’t for everyone. I saw a lot of people hating on it from the very first episode. There are plenty of sexual jokes, which are always divisive. But, I thought it mostly used these jokes in a decent way.

Jess and Pig from the anime series Butareba -The Story of a Man Who Turned into a Pig-
Jess and Pig

Pig — we never get his real name — is a virgin loser with some depraved thoughts. The gag is that his outward appearance now reflects his inner thoughts. And, to reinforce this, Jess, the other main character, can read Pig’s thoughts. Every time he has a dirty thought, she knows.

But, the dynamic between Pig and Jess isn’t quite what you’d expect. Yes, Pig thinks some unsavory things at times. However, at the end of the day, he’s a good guy who would never do anything to harm Jess. And, Jess believes in Pig’s good heart unconditionally. She’s never worried that he might be a bad person.

Now, to me, this dynamic is sort of the first piece of evidence that this isn’t a great show. Like, if Jess reacted negatively to Pig’s dirty thoughts, that would make it better. Her not seeing issues with the things Pig thinks doesn’t make for an interesting series.

Okay, So It’s Actually Bad

Despite my high hopes for Butareba, it didn’t take very long to see that it’s bad. Pig’s and Jess’s dynamic is only the very start. That’s probably the least bad thing about it. Problematic? Sure. But, that’s not what makes the series a bad series.

The entire premise of the series is the worst part. Jess is a magical slave called a Yethma who needs to go on a one-way journey to visit the king. This is a pilgrimage all Yethma have to make — and it’s unclear if any have made the journey successfully.

Along the way, the Yethma have to survive the wilderness and hunters who kill them for bounties. And, when they finally make it to the capital, it’s unclear how to actually get inside. This is why there are no confirmed accounts of Yethma completing the pilgrimage.

Pig from the anime series Butareba -The Story of a Man Who Turned into a Pig-

So, does this sound like a good plot to you? It has some interesting parts, like the Yethma hunters. But, overall, it’s a pretty basic story of a journey that Jess is going on simply because she’s supposed to. It’s hard to get invested into the plot at all — there’s not much to it.

The next major issue with Butareba is the animation quality. It sucks. I mean, I thought it was fine at the start of the series. But, once you get farther into it, the poor animation is hard to ignore. Later in the series, there are more action scenes. And it’s in those scenes that the animation fails.

Animation quality is a funny thing. For a lot of slice of life and drama series, it doesn’t matter that much. Good animation improves those series. But, it’s not necessary. For action anime and action scenes, the opposite is true. Good animation is necessary.

Is This Only The Beginning?

The wildest thing about Butareba is that this season might only be the beginning. This entire journey with Jess and Pig may have only been the prologue. And, I say that because of the terrible ending to the season.

Jess and Pig successfully make it to the capital and receive an audience with the king. They request that the king to turn Pig back into a human, which he accepts. But, the king can’t simply turn Pig back. He has to kill Pig, at which point Pig’s soul will return to his body in his old world.

So, yeah, at the end of the journey, Pig gets slaughtered and goes back home. If the series ended right there, that would be a bad enough ending. It pretty much erased everything that happened throughout the story and reset it to zero — but not in the Re:Zero way.

Jess from the anime series Butareba -The Story of a Man Who Turned into a Pig-

What made the ending even worse, however, is what happens next. Pig writes a fantasy book about his time living as a pig in another world. And, some people who read it reached out to him about their own experiences in that same world.

At first, Pig thought these people were coming up with their own fan fictions based on his story. But, it then becomes clear that these people had also lived in that world for a time. And so, together, they devise a plan to send Pig back into that world so he can be with Jess.

And, I guess the other people are also going to be sent back into the fantasy world, as well. I don’t know what happens after that. But, I’ve seen art from the series where there are now multiple pigs. So, to me, that says there’s a lot more to this series.

Final Thoughts

Butareba -The Story of a Man Who Turned into a Pig- is a 3/10. It’s very bad and I’m not going to watch a second season if it ever gets one — probably. I might still watch it. But, I’ve been trying to hold back and not continue to watch series I know are bad.

If you enjoyed this review, remember to share it with everyone you know. Also, follow me on your social media of choice so you don’t miss out on any future articles — links are in the footer.

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Healer Girl Review

Healer Girl Review

Healer Girl anime series cover art
Healer Girl

Do You Like Musical Anime?

Healer Girl (ヒーラー・ガール) is a musical slice of life anime about three girls who are training to become healers. Healers are those who use the power of music (songs) to heal or soothe others. But, healers don’t replace traditional medical professionals in this world.

That last part is important. As far as we know, a healer can’t heal every injury or illness. They can heal minor injuries or assist in the healing of injuries by making them heal faster. So, a big part of the story of Healer Girl is figuring out where exactly healers fit into the medical community.

If what you need is some first-aid or palliative care, a healer can handle that. If you require major surgery, you’re still going to need to see a surgeon. But, that doesn’t mean a healer would be totally useless in that situation. The power of their songs can help in the operating room, too.

Kana Fujii from the anime series Healer Girl
Kana Fujii

Now, let’s get to the question in the title of this section. Do you like musical anime? And by musical anime, I mean musicals. Healer Girl isn’t just a music anime. It’s a musical anime. But, what do I mean by that?

Think of something like BanG Dream! That’s a music anime because it’s an anime about music. Healer Girl is a musical anime because the characters often break out into song. They’ll sing what would otherwise be normal lines of dialogue. This doesn’t always happen, but it happens enough.

So, does that mean it’s like Love Live!? No. I also wouldn’t classify Love Live! as a musical anime — it’s a music anime. Yes, the girls in Love Live! break out into song. But, when they do it, it’s a full-on performance. That’s not the case in Healer Girl.

Meet the Student Healers

There are four student healers in Healer Girl. Three of them are main characters and one is a supporting character. The main characters are Kana Fujii, Reimi Itsushiro, and Hibiki Morishima. The supporting character is Sonia Yanagi. Kana, Reimi, and Hibiki study under Ria Karasuma, a professional healer.

Let’s start with Kana Fujii, the “main character.” Of the three main characters, the’s the most main — the mainest, if you will. As a child, Kana wanted to be just about every profession under the sun. But, she decided to become a healer after a healer saved her during an asthma attack.

Reimi Itsushiro (the best girl of the series) is a rich girl whose parents are professional musicians. Her parents are always overseas, so she lives with her maid. But, being rich isn’t Reimi’s defining character trait. That would be her obsession with her teacher, Ria.

Hibiki, Kana, and Reimi singing from the anime series Healer Girl
Hibiki, Kana, and Reimi singing

Hibiki Morishima is somehow related to Ria (I think). I want to say they’re cousins. But, they might not actually be related by blood at all. I know Hibiki grew up with Ria as an “older sister” figure. But, I can’t remember the exact nature of their relationship. Anyway, Hibiki now lives with Ria at Ria’s clinic.

Before moving on to the final student healer, let’s look at Ria Karasuma. Ria was originally going down the traditional medical professional path. But, in college, she decided to become a healer instead. Now, she’s considered one of the top healers in Japan.

Finally, we have Sonia Yanagi, the other student healer. She’s half-Russian, arrogant, annoying, and views Ria as her rival. Her teacher is the grandmother of her friend Shinobu. And, this is why she views Ria as her rival Shinobu’s grandmother was also Ria’s teacher back in the day.

I Didn’t Expect It to be Good

I knew Healer Girl existed when it aired in the summer of 2022. Each season, I make sure to look through what’s coming out. So, it was on my radar. But, I hadn’t heard anyone talking about it both before and after it aired.

Because of that, I assumed it was another “filler” anime. You know, one that doesn’t make a splash and which I’d give a rating of 4-6/10. I’m also not particularly interested in music/musical anime. I enjoy Love Live! for what it is. And Bocchi the Rock! was fun. But, I don’t seek out music-related anime — especially musicals.

I want to make that point clear. I’m not someone who likes musicals. When characters randomly break out in song, I usually can’t wait for it to end. And yet, I thought Healer Girl was a good anime.

Reimi Itsushiro from the anime series Healer Girl
Reimi Itsushiro

The random singing in this series wasn’t as annoying as I would normally expect. I didn’t know it was going to be a musical when I started it. I thought it was a regular music anime. But, even once it became clear that it was a musical, I didn’t mind.

And, the main reason I think I didn’t mind that in this series was the characters. I like the main characters and their singing brings out more of their personalities. In particular, I like Reimi. Kana and Hibiki are still good. Kana’s a bit of a generic female protagonist, but that’s okay.

When it comes to slice of life anime, I often say that the characters are what’s most important. Without good characters, a slice of life anime can’t be good. It’s impossible. The characters carry these kinds of series. And, that’s something Healer Girl does well. I enjoyed my time with these girls.

Final Thoughts

I give Healer Girl a 7/10. It’s a good anime. And if you’re into musicals, you might even rate it higher than I did. But, even if musicals aren’t your thing, if you like cute girls doing cute things, you’ll still probably like it. And who doesn’t like cute girls?

If you enjoyed this review, remember to share it with everyone you know. Also, follow me on your social media of choice so you don’t miss out on any future articles — links are in the footer.

Finally, I’d like to thank Roman and JasonHK for supporting at the Heika tier this month. To learn more about what you get when you support this blog, check out

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Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Review

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Review

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead anime series cover art
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead

A Good Premise, But That’s It

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto / ゾン100~ゾンビになるまでにしたい100のこと~) is an action/comedy/horror anime. It’s also an anime from the summer of 2023 despite me not reviewing it until now.

But, what’s Zom 100 all about? It’s about a normal guy working a 9-5 job he hates when, suddenly, a zombie apocalypse breaks out. In most cases, you’d think of a zombie apocalypse as a bad thing. However, Akira Tendou was so overworked that he welcomed it.

You’re telling him he doesn’t need to return to the office? That’s music to Akira’s ears. With no work, he can now spend his days doing all the things he always wanted to do. And, that’s how we get to the second part of the title: The bucket list of things Akira wants to do before he dies.

Shizuka Mikazuki from the anime series Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Shizuka Mikazuki

As the heading of this section says, this is a good premise. A lot of people can relate to being in a career they don’t enjoy. And, that may even be more true for those working at Japanese companies. So, immediately, viewers can relate to Akira.

Also, a lot of the things Akira puts on his bucket list can lead to some exciting content. Things like jumping a motorcycle or being a superhero. However, the majority of Akira’s bucket list items tend to be less exciting than you’d expect. Even the ones that sound like they’d be good at first.

And, that’s where the major problem of the series comes in. It sets up a good premise but doesn’t follow through. I got bored about three episodes into the series. It just wasn’t delivering the kind of content I was expecting. Things like Akira changing his hairstyle aren’t interesting.

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Characters Are Very Important

For the most part, the content of Zom 100 isn’t entertaining. But, what about the characters? Even if the content isn’t that exciting, a good cast of characters can carry a series. And since this is a comedy anime, the characters are even more important.

One of my favorite comedy anime is KonoSuba. What makes KonoSuba so good are the characters and how they interact with each other. Zom 100 doesn’t even come close. The characters aren’t very interesting and their group dynamics are bland.

Let’s start with Akira. Sure, he’s relatable at first because he hates his job. But, it doesn’t take long to realize that he doesn’t have much going on aside from that. He’s a generic “good guy” who just wants to be happy and for other people to be happy. That’s nice in a real society, but boring in a show like this.

Beatrix, Shizuka, Akira, and Kenichirou from the anime series Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Beatrix, Shizuka, Akira, and Kenichirou

Akira’s best friend is Kenichirou “Kencho” Ryuuzaki. His whole thing is that he wants to be a comedian who strips on stage. That’s his entire personality and the extent of the gags featuring him. Once you realize that part of his personality wasn’t a one-time thing, he’s boring.

Shizuka Mikazuki is a little more interesting than Akira and Kencho. But, not much. Her defining personality trait is that she always prioritizes survival. Fun? She has no idea what that is. She’d much rather spend her time creating spreadsheets and doing everything “optimally.”

Beatrix Amerhauser is the best of the four main characters. Though, that could also be because she’s introduced later on in the series. She doesn’t have as much screen time as the others, so there’s less time for her to get stale. Still, I do think she’s more fun — especially her love of Japanese history.

The Final 3 Episodes

Okay, so at the start of this review, I said that this was a summer 2023 anime. If that’s the case, why am I reviewing it now? Did I not watch Zom 100 until recently? That sometimes happens if a Patron requests a review of an anime from the previous season.

But, that’s not the case here. I was actually reviewing Zom 100 episodes on a weekly basis. And then, the series went on hiatus after Episode 9. I don’t know exactly what happened and I don’t care enough to look it up. However, we can assume “production issues.”

Now, when the first episode of Zom 100 dropped, I saw a lot of talk about it online. People were excited for this series. As was the case for me, though, that excitement quickly disappeared. after a few episodes, I didn’t see much talk about it.

Beatrix Amerhauser from the anime series Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Beatrix Amerhauser

The only people who were really still talking about the series were those who hadn’t started it. There were people saying it “looked good” and that they were “waiting for it to all come out.” Well, unfortunately for them, they’d have to wait another three months for the final three episodes to air.

And, let me tell you, I think I saw a single person talk about the final three episodes coming out. In general, nobody cared. Everyone who had been watching the series lost interest a long time ago. And those who hadn’t yet watched it seemed to have given up due to the delay.

I wish I could tell you that the final three episodes made everything worth it. But, after watching the previous nine, I knew that wasn’t going to be the case. And, I was right. The final three episodes weren’t funny and instead tried to be very serious.

Final Thoughts

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is a 5/10. It’s not good and not bad. It exists. And, for that reason, I doubt many people who haven’t already seen this series are going to watch it. There’s no benefit. You could watch better anime instead — or anime that are so bad that they’re funny.

If you enjoyed this review, remember to share it with everyone you know. Also, follow me on your social media of choice so you don’t miss out on any future articles — links are in the footer.

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Carnival Phantasm Review

Carnival Phantasm Review

Carnival Phantasm anime series cover art
Carnival Phantasm

Fate Meets Tsukihime

Carnival Phantasm (カーニバル・ファンタズム) is a series that combines Type-Moon’s various works into one. The biggest of these works is obviously the Fate series. And, the second biggest is Tsukihime. So, if you ever wanted to see these two series smashed together, Carnival Phantasm might be for you.

Of course, Fate and Tsukihime aren’t the only two Type-Moon series. But, as far as I know, they were the only two with much content in Carnival Phantasm. I could be wrong about that since Fate is the only Type-Moon series I’m familiar with. I might have thought characters from another series were from Tsukihime.

But, I didn’t notice anyone like Shiki Ryougi from The Garden of Sinners. And, that’s despite her being listed as a supporting character for this series on MAL. So, I guess a lot of other Type-Moon series characters were in the background.

Gilgamesh messing with Artoria (maid) from the anime series Carnival Phantasm
Gilgamesh messing with Artoria (maid)

Now, as someone who hasn’t watched (played?) Tsukihime, those characters were interesting to me. They’re new and therefore fun. Arcueid is the least interesting, much like Artoria in Fate. But, the other girls are pretty cute — specifically, Akiha, Kohaku, and Hisui. There’s also Ren, but she didn’t have much screen time. She might have shown up once.

So, this is leading into one of my main issues with this series. Each character doesn’t get that much screen time because there are so many characters. The one with the most screen time might have actually been Cú Chulainn (Lancer).

Overall, though, it felt like the Fate characters were in the spotlight a lot more. And, that could be because there are so many more of them. But, for me, I already know all the Fate characters pretty well thanks to Fate/Grand Order. I’d rather see the “new to me” characters more.

Not What I Was Expecting

It’s time for the second major complaint I have about Carnival Phantasm. It doesn’t actually mix the characters from different Type-Moon series very much. For example, we never get to see Artoria and Arcueid interacting with each other. The main crossover interaction is Shirou and Shiki.

In many cases, episodes are dedicated to characters from one series or the other. There are Fate episodes and there are Tsukihime episodes. There are episodes with both. But, even those episodes tend to be split up into different segments built around one of the two main series.

That’s not at all what I was expecting from Carnival Phantasm. I thought it was going to feature all the characters mixed together. I thought I was going to see some wacky hijinks with characters who have never interacted before. But, that’s not what I got and it’s disappointing.

Souichirou and Medea from the anime series Carnival Phantasm
Souichirou and Medea

With that said, it’s not as if there isn’t wacky hijinks in the series. There absolutely is — that’s still what the anime is about. We got to see the Fate characters participate in a gameshow and a race. And, we got to see the Tsukihime girls play beach volleyball.

If you’ve seen Carnival Phantasm, what are your thoughts on this? Did you go into the series expecting there to be more crossover content? Were you fine with the lack of crossover content? And, which Type-Moon series were you familiar with before going into the series?

It’s possible that my opinion of the series could have been very different if I was more familiar with Type-Moon works beyond Fate. So, keep that in mind if you’re considering watching this series. It could be like Fate/Apocrypha, which I think is a lot more fun if you’re already really into Fate/Grand Order.

Focusing on the Good Parts

Alright, so far, I’ve said a lot of things I didn’t necessarily like about Carnival Phantasm. But, I don’t want you to think it’s bad. It’s not. I enjoyed it and I think it’s good. So, what’s good about it?

The first thing I liked is that the episodes are only half-length. They’re 14-minutes long including the OP, ED, and next episode preview. That’s bad when it comes to giving characters screen time. But, it’s good when it comes to keeping a series like this from getting stale. The episodes don’t overstay their welcome.

Something else I liked is that the series is funny. It would have been easy for it to try to play too much to the Type-Moon fandom. It definitely plays to that. But, not to the point that it stops being funny, which I’ve seen some other comedy series do.

Arcueid Brunestud wearing a bikini from the anime series Carnival Phantasm
Arcueid Brunestud wearing a bikini

The episode in which Heracles goes shopping for batteries was a good one. That might be my favorite of the series. It plays on inside jokes from Fate. But, the core comedy of the episode is something that anyone can enjoy. It’s absurdism and physical comedy.

My favorite skits from the whole series, however, are the Grail-kun skits. I think there were three of them in total. In these skits, a character comes to Grail-kun with an issue they need help resolving. And, in every case, Grail-kun’s solution is to give them a knife and tell them that violence is the answer.

Of course, I can’t leave out some of the more obvious things I liked about Carnival Phantasm. The OP is good — and fun. And, because this series is all about Type-Moon properties, it has a lot of cute female characters. That’s never a bad thing.

Final Thoughts

I gave Carnival Phantasm a 7/10. As I said, it’s a good anime. It certainly has things that could be improved. But, overall, I liked it and would recommend it to Type-Moon fans. Even if the only Type-Moon series you’re familiar with is Fate, you’ll still probably like it.

Watching this series also made me want to watch the newer Fate/Grand Carnival. From my understanding, it’s the same thing but focused on characters from FGO. So, I assume I’ll like that one even more. Who knows when I’ll actually get around to watching it, though.

If you enjoyed this review, remember to share it with everyone you know. Also, follow me on your social media of choice so you don’t miss out on any future articles — links are in the footer.

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Spy x Family Season 2 Review

Spy x Family Season 2 Review

Spy x Family Season 2 anime series cover art
Spy x Family Season 2

More of the Same Old Thing

Spy x Family Season 2 is not the same as Spy x Family Part 2. At least, not technically. Spy x Family Part 2 is the second cour of the first season of the anime. It follows Spy x Family.

This review is of Season 2, which follows Spy x Family Part 2. Got it? I’m sure you do. But, I know the search engine algorithms are going to struggle with that. I’ve already seen it firsthand with Mushoku Tensei. And, this is why we should get rid of this “Part 2” nonsense.

Okay, but also, Season 2 is the “same” as Part 2 because that’s how this series is. There’s no real development at any point in Spy x Family. At least, there hasn’t been, so far. That’s why I’m not interested in it anymore.

Yor, Loid, and Anya on a train from the anime series Spy x Family Season 2
Yor, Loid, and Anya on a train

Why do we need what’s effectively three seasons of the same exact thing? I wouldn’t say the plot has progressed at all. The characters definitely haven’t developed and are still pretty one-dimensional. And, the series continues to fall back on the same jokes and gags instead of trying anything new.

I thought the first season as a whole was good. The second cour definitely started to drag as I realized nothing new was happening. But, even then, the series was still novel enough to keep me mostly interested. That novelty is gone. Throughout this season, I was always dreading having to watch the next Spy x Family episode.

Now, I also want to point out that this season didn’t introduce any new characters. Well, none that seem like they’ll be recurring, supporting characters. So, it didn’t even get a novelty boost from that. Introducing a new character is an easy way to mix things up.

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Cruise Arc

This was such a bland season that I honestly don’t remember most of what happened in it. I remember that bond saved another dog from a fire. Damian & friends survived in the wilderness. And, there was the cruise arc. The cruise arc is the most prominent feature of this season.

Yor has to go on a “business trip” aboard a cruise ship. The cover is that she’s wining and dining some important people. But, in reality, she’s protecting the family of an informant as they flee the country. This means she’ll be fighting plenty of other assassins.

Anya also wants to go on the cruise, which, as you can assume, is bad for Yor. She can’t have her family there just in case something goes wrong. What if they happened to see her fighting? How would she be able to explain that away? She wouldn’t.

Yor Forger from the anime series Spy x Family Season 2
Yor Forger

Well, unfortunately for Yor, Loid decides to turn this cruise into a family vacation. Though, it’s really only a vacation for himself and Anya. Yor’s going to be working the whole time. And, while she does that, Loid and Anya are going to be enjoying themselves on the ship.

So, this arc has two pretty distinct halves. On one side, there’s a lot of Yor action content, which is good. I felt like we hadn’t been getting enough of that. And on the other side, there’s the Loid and Anya slice of life content. That’s not as interesting because it’s similar to the content we usually get.

But, I’ll admit that the fact that this arc takes place on a cruise ship is a slight bonus. Yes, all the complaints I brought up in the previous section still apply. However, at the very least, the setting of this arc is different.

How Long Can Spy x Family Last?

With the first season of the anime, Spy x Family became an international sensation. In only two years, it got three cours of TV anime and a movie. That’s a lot of animated content for one series.

The only other series that really compete with that are long-running shounen series. Think of things like One Piece. Some anime with multiple seasons get one season every two years if they’re popular. And most others have even longer breaks between seasons if they get more seasons at all.

But, is this the path Spy x Family is on a sustainable one? I don’t think so. And, there are a few things I’d like to point to to prove why this is the case. There’s the pace of the releases, the reception, and the mangaka’s feelings about the series.

Loid carrying Yor and Anya while they sleep from the anime series Spy x Family Season 2
Loid carrying Yor and Anya while they sleep

Okay, so to start off, as I said, the release pace is fast. That’s not inherently a bad thing. But, to me, it seems to be signifying how the producers view the series. Spy x Family was very popular on release. So, capitalize on that popularity while it lasts by pumping out content.

In general, sequel seasons of an anime receive higher ratings than their predecessors. That’s because people who don’t like the series drop it. So, those reviewing a sequel are more likely to be dedicated fans. We don’t see this with Spy x Family, though. Every season is rated lower than the previous one.

This implies that for most viewers, the novelty is wearing off fast.

Finally, as you may know, the Tatsuya Endou, the mangaka, doesn’t exactly like Spy x Family. It’s not the series he wanted to make. But, he knew it would be profitable. So, even the mangaka isn’t very invested.

Final Thoughts

This is going to hurt some people. But, Spy x Family Season 2 is a 5/10. It exists. It’s fine. And, on a technical level, it’s good. However, the quality of the animation and things like that don’t matter when the content itself is stale. And, that’s why I have no intention of watching the movie or any future seasons.

If you enjoyed this review, remember to share it with everyone you know. Also, follow me on your social media of choice so you don’t miss out on any future articles — links are in the footer.

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